Distribution of Funds

Since our humble beginnings as TEAM JLO in 2006, we have raised over $74,000 for OC research, support, and education.


Between 2006 and 2010 (as Team JLO), all of our funds were donated to the Sandy Rollman Ovarian Cancer Foundation. SROCF is based out of Philadelphia and has become one of the largest groups of its kind in the region. 

In 2011, we officially formed JLOCF. Since that time we have split the distribution of our funds between three amazing groups that are able to implement the use of our donations in a variety of ways.


The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund has led the way in research, advocacy, and support for patients and their families for over 22 years. This past January, they joined with the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance to form the largest global organization dedicated to advancing Ovarian Cancer research while supporting women and their families.

The Teal Tea Foundation supports a wonderful program called Give Women A Lift. "Give Woman A Life" offers transportation to women with Ovarian or other Gynecological Cancers who are facing financial hardship. The program has helped hundres of women undergoing radiation or chemotherapy treatment to travel between home and their doctor's office, hospital or cancer clinic.

Through the Cancer Institute of New Jersey, the Gyncological Cancer Support Group meets monthly to discuss fears/concerns about diagnosis and treatment, how family roles have changed and talk to family, friends, and children about cancer.

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